Did you know that if you desire or want something then it is already yours to have, because we cannot have the desire for something not meant for us. So what is stopping you from living the life you truly want; or achieving and having everything that you want to have, be or do? The answer is in fact YOU. Why? because of the 'story' you keep reaffirming i.e. telling yourself.

A lot of people do not realise just how powerful the mind actually is (especially our subconscious mind) or how our conscious awareness works and that we are also made up of energy..!! Yes, we are not just physical matter of skin & bones but also a very powerful being made up of energy. I love this Einstein quote:
“Everything is energy and that's all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It can be NO other way.
This is not philosophy. This is physics."

By learning how to shift our energy and mindset in a more constructive way instead of in a less constructive way, we can change our lives. I don't mean by how energetic you feel or your physical strength; but our thoughts and feelings are energy too, and our thoughts transmit from us like radio waves. Have you ever thought about a friend and they ring you or vice versa? We are all connected by energy and to everything around us in this world; even money - yes money is just energy too, so EVERYTHING is energy as Einstein and many others have concluded; there are 1,000s of books, studies, lectures, documentaries and other material out there to highlight this.

Therefore what you dominantly keep thinking about (the story you keep repeating) whenever you think or talk about either yourself, others, your life, areas in your life or the world, is what you will experience. For example, when you think about money but worry and say things like 'I never have enough money', then money seems to never come to you or you spend it quickly; or other things like 'I always seem to have unsatisfying relationships, I can never seem to stay in a job long, I am rich, I am successful' etc. Whatever you think, your thoughts get pushed out into your reality like radio waves and brings back to you more things to worry about or to be pleased about, depending on your state of mind. What you focus on grows..!!

What does this all mean?
As we develop we form habitual thought processes and develop 'Neuro pathways' in the brain based on our habits, behaviours and our environment that we are raised in. Every day we wake up and immediately start to think about the day ahead, what happened yesterday or situations in our lives etc. This daily recurring 'brain state of consciousness' means we engage in behavioural responses to the world around us and start to form habitual patterns, making our lives sometimes seem like 'Groundhog Day' and stuck in a repetitive cycle.

Also as we get older we start 'disbelieving' all the things we once believed in and use our imagination less and less. For example, when you were a child did you believe in the Tooth-fairy, Father Christmas, monsters in the shadows or under the bed? Did you believe you could be or do anything in your imaginal games you played? Did you have an imaginary friend? The answer to some, if not all of this, is
YES. Everything that is man-made; either a solid object, books, poems, art, songs etc etc ALL came first from someone's mind via their imagination.

We then started to use our logical analytical minds more to solve problems and figure things out so that we could get what we wanted in life via an education and so forth. Our parents, teachers, peers & society told us to conform like adults not children, who believed in things that weren't there. However the power of your belief is the force that works through your 'Being' determining what's possible or impossible, the difference between success or failure. Everything in your conscious awareness is held in place by what you believe in, your limiting beliefs, what you assume to be true, your perception of everything around you and how we react to things. 

Every day we also engage in inner conversations; merrily chatting away to ourselves and others in our minds from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep. We mainly do this on auto-pilot whilst we are doing mundane tasks that do not require our full concentration or attention; so whilst we are taking a shower, walking, driving, eating, watching TV and so on. Well, it is these inner conversations that can also stop us from having, being or doing what we want.

As humans we have various emotions, and also tend to spend a lot of our time worrying and wondering what OTHER people think and feel about us more than we ever stop and think about what we actually think and feel about ourselves - our self concept. 

So us humans can sometimes be a right bunch of naysayers..!!

Let's look at the Ego
Definition of Ego: A person's sense of self-esteem or self-importance. Part of the mind that mediates between the conscious and the unconscious and is responsible for reality testing and a sense of personal identity.

Sometimes it seems our ego likes to see us fail by making us believe every word we tell ourselves i.e. that we aren't good enough, worthy enough, deserving enough, important enough, loveable; that things are impossible, out of our reach or league and so on. However, ego is there to protect us to a certain extent and to try and stop us from being hurt, upset and so on, but Ego also likes to be proved right, so it is a tricky thing for us to navigate sometimes.

Your 'reasoning logical analytical mind' is what usually stops you from having all that you want in your life; a partner, money, a job, your own business, dream house, family, holidays, cars, weight-loss etc. There is in fact no outside force that has it in for us and stopping us from having all the things in our lives we want, as we can ACTUALLY have, be and do anything we want; we are the only ones sitting ourselves on the 'naughty step' by what we keep telling ourselves and imposing our own limitations.

We can combat 'negative or opposing thoughts' by changing our mindset. We all try to fight our negative thoughts off by going to bed determined to do things differently the next day; but often when morning comes the old thought patterns return and we find we then get no-where fast...!! They have chipped away making you disbelieve in yourself and stop you achieving what you set out to achieve.

So how do you get what you want you ask?
By changing the way you think and saying goodbye to your old mindset, the unwanted story you keep repeating, old beliefs, assumptions & expectations that are keeping you in a 'stuck' cycle, and starting to take back control of your life by being mindful and conscious of the opposing thoughts, the opposite of what you want i.e. thinking you can't have, be and do whatever you want...!!

Some people can use their determination to fight off their opposing thoughts and can achieve their dreams and goals without mentoring/coaching. They believe in what they want and know it is theirs to have no matter what it takes; but a lot of people fail because they don't have the knowledge, determination or guidance to help spur them on.

My Personal Mentoring is just like having a personal trainer at a gym. A trainer would provide you with a specific exercise and diet routine to follow in order to achieve your desired body. However, you yourself have to actually do the workout exercises and eat the right foods right? So unfortunately there is no magic wand, fairy godmother, genie or a quick fix. For some people it can take time to re-program their minds to learn to believe that they ARE good enough, worthy and deserving of having what they want, without self-sabotaging and going through the same cycles and patterns in life which are not fruitful.

I work with people worldwide and help them achieve their personal goals and dreams, by helping them to shift their energy from a negative state to a positive state and to get over their limiting beliefs and habitual thought patterns so they can start living the life they prefer to be living. simply put it all means that you just change the story - so let me help you.

I also have a YouTube Channel on how your thoughts create your life.

Whichever option you choose, I will work with your personal needs to help you to achieve your goals or dreams; so if you are dedicated in transforming your life then here's what to do next:

Before contacting me, please first decide and be clear on what you want to achieve i.e:
  • Love/Relationships  
  • Money
  • Your own Business
  • Having the career you want
  • Developing positive habits
  • Dealing with stress/anxiety
  • Body image 
  • whatever else you desire or a goal you want to achieve
Once you are clear about what you want, please email me at telling me briefly about your current situation and what you want to achieve or change. Explain your goal or desire in as much detail as you can. 
Please allow up to 24 hours for a reply depending on timezones, and please check your spam mail. From your initial email, if I feel we can work together to help you achieve your goal or desire, then you can choose your preferred Personal Mentoring option. 

  • Email Coaching: You have the choice of either 2 emails to ask questions + the personalised 21 day affirmation challenge; or 3 emails to ask questions inc. personalised affirmations but not the challenge. All emails will be replied to within 24 hrs. Emails to be used within 3 months of purchase. Non-refundable.
  • One to One Sessions: You can book either a 30 or 60 Min 1-1 session. Sessions are via a video call using either Apple FaceTime, WhatsApp, Instagram or Skype. I will also need your location for any time differences and some dates & times that you will be available.
  • Ultimate Personal Mentoring Package (UPMP): Inspired by clients who wished I actually 'lived' with them to keep them focused on their desired outcome so that they didn't keep wavering & delaying what they wanted to experience. However, I will not be 'moving in' with you, but I will be having a weekly 1-1 session with you for 4 weeks via a video call (see options above). In each session I will be guiding you through your personalised routine so that you start to naturally feel like the person who already has your desire. We will also work on your self-love & self-concept, where necessary, to build your confidence and trust to release resistance and reduce/stop any spiralling/wavering. We will also do your favourite technique together so that you really feel it real within. I will also email you daily to check in on you and be there to support you. The price below is for the total 4 weeks, but if you want to pay weekly then I will send you a separate link. This UPMP will take commitment from you to be there every day for 4 weeks..!! 
* All services are non-refundable and results are not guaranteed. 
** Mentoring is NOT a replacement for any professional medical, financial or legal advice.
*** If I cancel then a refund WILL be given 
You may reschedule if I am given more than 24 hours notice  

What is Covered in your Personal Mentoring
  • Looking at your current situation and working together to help you understand how to shift within so that you feel more confident, positive and relaxed.
  • Providing techniques and a program to help you to achieve your goal or desire.
REMEMBER: This will take dedication and commitment in order to succeed and you are the one who ultimately has to do the work to achieve what you want.

I look forward to being your Personal Mentor and helping you live the life you want to be living.

Wishing you every success.